Public Relations and Social Media in the Marketing Mix

Posted on February 7, 2016 by


PR and Social Media in the perfect marketing mix

PR and Social Media in the perfect marketing mix

At #SMChat we host a combination chat with the #SoloPR squad about once each quarter to share perspectives since social media (SM) and public relations (PR) are so closely intertwined.

This post in AdAge on public relations’ part in the marketing mix has lots of things we can discuss in a SMChat/SoloPR combo: how to work with a PR professional, how to integrate PR into other marketing channels, etc. Karen Swim, Solo PR Pro’s new president, came up with this week’s questions:

  1. How does PR/SM differentiate from other disciplines in 2016?
  2. Are the blurred lines of PR, Marketing, SM diluting the value of all?
  3. Many companies have their eye on the bottom line and want PR/SM to tie to new business. Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?
  4. How do you get companies to include PR/SM in proactive strategy rather than add-on tactic?
  5. Should PR/SM broaden skills/offerings or focus on becoming more specialized in a single area?
  6. Solos often feel disadvantaged or locked out of large client account opportunities. How can solos position themselves to work alongside big agencies for large clients?
  7. What tools/tips do you use to ensure clients understand/value your role?
  8. Are clients asking you to measure success differently in 2016?
Please join us on Wednesday at 1P ET! Have some answers that you’d like to discuss or a question you want answered before the chat? Please leave a comment below – we’d love to hear from you!
Posted in: Marketing