All About Influence – A SoloPR Combo Chat

Posted on September 10, 2016 by


influenceDuring last month’s SMChat, we talked about Social Media Influencers and Influencer Marketing, and this month, we’re broadening the topic for more perspective.

Let’s discuss the topic of influence and how it impacts your clients and their target audience. We’ll be getting insights from Karen Swim and Solo PR Pro by doing a combo chat with #SMChat and #SoloPR. We would love your feedback and insights as well. Please join us and be sure to tag your Tweets with both hashtags!

  1. How do we define influence today?
  2. How do we measure influence?
  3. How can brands build and leverage influence?
  4. In what ways can we drive influence for clients?
  5. Can clients be non-influential and still be successful?
  6. What factors can diminish influence with an audience? How do you rebuild?

Join us Wednesday, September 14, 2016, at 1P ET to discuss these questions and more! Can’t join us on Wednesday or have a different question to have answered? Please leave a comment below – we’d love to hear from you!

Posted in: Marketing, Strategy