Customer Service SWOT Analysis for Better Outcomes

Posted on November 16, 2016 by


SWOT Analysis.png

Customer service is critical to organizational success. As the business environment continues to evolve rapidly, you have to be prepared to meet the needs/wants of your customer. If you aren’t thinking ahead, you are guaranteed to fall behind. One tool that can help provide insight into your business and where you can go is a SWOT analysis – Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats. For our discussion during #SMChat on November 16, 2016 at 1 p.m. ET, we will apply the use of this tool to customer service.

As an example of how this could look for any business, we are sharing a few bullets below to get you started. We will focus on expanding each area during the chat and discuss ways to improve. In regards to customer service via social media:

Strengths: Builds business and brand, ability to contribute to customer retention, ability to “up-sell”

Weaknesses: Sustainability and scalability – particularly for small businesses

Opportunities: Be a hero for the customer, lead as an expert, showcase products and services

Threats: Pace of emerging technology and platforms, competition

As you consider each of the areas above for the customer service area of your business, please feel free to tap into the collective strength of the chat members to gather additional insights for your business during our chat.

Q1. Does your organization use SWOT analysis as a business tool? For the business as a whole or for various areas?

Q2. Have you completed a SWOT analysis? What steps do you take after the original analysis?

Q3. What is the top strength for your business in regards to customer service and social media? How do you leverage that?

Q4. What is the biggest weakness that needs to be addressed and how are you addressing?

Q5. Where are the opportunities that are most beneficial to your organization and your customers?

Q6. What threats are most important to minimize or eliminate? How do you plan to do that?

Q7. Who do you share your analysis with? How do you build buy-in and advance resulting plans?

Q8. How often will you revisit your SWOT analysis? Who participates in the analysis?

We hope that you can join us at 1 p.m. ET on November 16th to discuss the questions above. Our chats are lively and full of insights!